Unfinished Job

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Two-minute read.

The sluggard does not plow after the autumn, So he begs during the harvest and has nothing. 

Proverbs 20:4 

“The Forge,” the latest movie from the Kendrick brothers, centers around a nineteen-year-old boy finding his way in the world. At the film’s beginning, he has no direction, spending his days playing basketball and video games with his friends. Living with his single mother, he does not contribute to his upkeep. Things quickly come to a head when Mom feels forced to give him an ultimatum: start paying rent or get out.

No one gets through life without working—people who can work but don’t miss the blessing. Not only does the person miss out on the reward, but the satisfaction of a well-done job builds confidence. Personally, I don’t believe in retirement; nowhere in the scriptures does the good book mention it. Technically, I retired 10 years ago from my career, and now I work for the Lord, seeking His will and accomplishing His purpose. Becoming a writer, I write for Him first and foremost, something I will do until the Lord calls me home.

We reap what we sow, but we must sow to reap. If we do nothing, we receive nothing. God didn’t give us gifts and talents to hide under a rock; He expects us to use them to accomplish His will for our lives. Whatever the Lord calls you to do, He will provide the tools for you. But if you don’t plow the fields, you won’t reap the harvest and will find yourself with nothing. Whatever bounty you want to receive, you must sow the seeds, whether financially, relationally, or spiritually; you must plant the fields to enjoy the harvest.


Lord, thank You for giving us talents to use in our work. Please help us plant the fields so we can reap the harvest. Guide and direct our paths, allowing us to fulfill our purpose and receive the rewards You have for us. 

IJNIP. Amen 

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