Gathering and Sowing

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Indeed, your threshing will last for you until grape gathering, and grape gathering will last until sowing time. You will thus eat your food to the full and live securely in your land. 

Leviticus 26:5 

Leviticus 26:1-13 summarizes the conditions for God’s blessings: avoid idols, keep the Sabbath, and revere the sanctuary, in a broader context, obey the Lord’s commands.  Because the Creator exists outside the physical limits we understand, any material thing we put before Him counts as idolatry.  Raised in a home that honored the Sabbath, it ranks as my favorite day of the week.  Resting with family, enjoying corporate worship, and renewing my spirit with the Lord helps energize me for the other six days.  Recently, the Lord convicted me about taking better care of His temple, my body, revering my health, and becoming healthier to serve Him better.  

As a result of obeying the Lord, He brings the rain necessary for the crops to grow.  Without God’s provision, we wouldn’t have anything to harvest.  In our industrialized world, we don’t think about the necessity of rain as much as they did in ancient Palestine.  Often taken for granted, we couldn’t work without good health, producing a harvest that allows us to live.  Taking care of the divine gifts the Lord gives us will enable us to make fruitful bounties and live securely in our land.  

Despite what many think, we don’t live to please ourselves.  God gives us clear instructions on our purpose: love God and love others.  Harvesting blessings allows us to share our divine gifts with others.  Life doesn’t revolve around us; it revolves around the Creator and His will for our lives. 


Lord, thank You for giving us the rain we need to produce a bountiful harvest and share it with others.  Please help us keep our eyes focused on You, submitting our will to Yours.  Let us become more like Jesus as we seek You with all we have. 

IJNIP. Amen 

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