Our Rescuer

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One-minute read.


PSALM 91:15B 

Wise living, following the Lord, and communing with Him through prayer will give you the rewards due.  God assures His children when they submit to Him, they will find life to the fullest on Earth and salvation in the next.  No matter our circumstances, our Rescuer walks with us, navigating us through troubled waters and honoring us with His presence.  

The closer we grow to our Savior, the more we long for communion with Him.  Discovering the peace that surpasses all understanding, despite the worldly circumstances around us, makes Jesus’s followers want more.  Experiencing the miracles of the Creator builds our faith and draws us into a deeper relationship with our Sovereign Lord.  God lives outside the space-time continuum; He sees the beginning, middle, and end.  We only know the present moment, but the Lord knows the entire story.  One day, when our heavenly Father calls us home, we’ll know His secrets, but until then, we can trust His management of our lives.  

Wasting nothing, each of us has a purpose.  Jesus endures the sufferings we endure on Earth with us.  Through His death on the cross, Christ overcame the troubles of this world, saving us from the consequences of our sins and creating a connection with the Lord no one can break.  Faith in the Savior gives you new life, hope for eternity, and the knowledge that God has a rescue plan just for you.


God rescues us. 


Lord, thank You for sending Jesus to rescue us from our sins, giving us new life in Him.  Please help us to remember that You never leave us, especially in life’s storms.  Let us keep moving forward, knowing You walk with us. 

IJNIP. Amen 

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