One-minute read.

Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge.
Psalm 91:9
Speaking out of experience, David encourages us to take refuge in the Lord, the Most High. Nothing happens on Earth without the Lord’s knowledge. I understand that fact can challenge our relationship with the Creator because of the terrible things that occur. When I think of the evil people do to each other, it makes me sick to my stomach. But God doesn’t do those things; people do them of their own free will and volition. Sin does exist, spiritual warfare rages around us, and if people don’t worship the Lord, they worship the things of this world, causing them to do unspeakable things.
Taking refuge in the Lord means we can have confidence in Him. Trusting God’s promises, we know all things work for the good of those who believe and trust Him. And we will remember, the things of this world will pass away, but the reward that awaits us in heaven never will. In God, we can find the tools to persevere in this fallen world, keeping the Son in our eyes and living for Him.
Bad things happen every day. Christ’s followers experience persecution and suffering. Jesus promised we would have tribulation in the world, but we should take heart because He overcame the world when He rose again, defeating death and sharing His victory with us. Seek refuge in the Most High’s arms, and you will find it. Let the Lord fight for you; find strength in Him.
God gives us refuge.
Lord, thank You for giving us a place to hide, allowing us to take refuge in You, and allowing us to find peace that surpasses all understanding. Please help us stand firm in our faith when trials rage around us. Please give us the tools to keep going when everything seems lost.