Eyes to See

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One-minute read.

You will only look with your eyes. And see the recompense of the wicked.

Psalm 91:8

Rasa, the Hebrew word for wicked, means “evil, guilty, in the wrong, ungodly”[1]. In our world, the heartbreaking reality of evil deeds done by humans to each other discourages anyone. But we find hope when we peer at the world through the Lord’s lens of salvation. Faith encourages us; not only will God protect and bless us, but one day, justice will come to those who do ungodly things.

When people choose to do evil things, it breaks my heart. They don’t have to answer me for their actions, but one day, they will stand before the Creator and give an account of their hateful deeds. Without Christ to defend them, they will suffer the Lord’s wrath and eternal separation from Him. My heart aches for anyone who chooses separation from God over an eternity filled with His glory and unconditional love.

Free will gives us the freedom to live any way we want. But faith in Jesus gives us direction on how to live a Godly life, experiencing His protection and blessing from the world’s hatred. Yes, we will suffer like Christ, but our reward lies in heaven. Until then, we serve the Lord, working towards Him and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. Peer through the lens of Jesus, fill your heart with hope, trusting in His justice.


God’s justice will prevail.


Lord, thank You for providing justice in an evil world. Please help us view life from Your perspective, allowing our faith to encourage and uplift us as we strive to love people and share the good news of Christ with others.


[1] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+91%3A8&version=NIV&tab=interlinear

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