One-minute read.

Nor the arrow that flies by day
Psalm 91:5b
Every Christ follower experiences spiritual warfare. Using temptation, the enemy tries to lure people away from the straight and narrow path of following Jesus or even keep them from finding the salvation God offers through His Son. The Lord gave us free will; without it, we can’t choose love. And because of our freedom to choose, the devil can’t force us to sin, but he can tempt and deceive us like he did Eve in the garden.
“In all circumstances, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16
Faith in the Lord shields us from the fiery darts of temptation. Trying to entrap people, the enemy uses anything to get us off track. Satan tries to convince us we’ll enjoy the momentary pleasure biting the apple will bring us, as he did Eve. Taking refuge in the Lord and trusting His promises takes the target away from the enemy. The devil’s lies disintegrate in the light of Jesus’s love, and the Creator protects us from the enemy’s fiery darts.
Yes, spiritual warfare exists, but Christ has already won the battle. We can stand firm in our faith, understanding that the Lord protects us from the enemy’s attacks. The devil can try all he wants; he loses every time. In Jesus, we have all we need to defeat Satan. The shield of faith takes away the target and makes the devil’s arrows useless.
The enemy’s arrows won’t hit us.
Lord, thank You for protecting us from the fiery arrows of the devil. Please help us stand firm in faith, knowing You won’t let the enemy lure us away from You. Let us live in Christ’s victory every day.