My Refuge and My Fortress

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One-minute read.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:2

When storm winds blow, we must find refuge. A world filled with pain and heartache gives us many options. People turn to many things to find comfort: alcohol, drugs, work, exercise, shopping—an endless list of worldly things that won’t fill the void created by heartache. Only the Lord offers a fortress to help you find peace amid turmoil, but we must turn to Him to find it.

Ron and I took a bike ride around Jamestown Island outside Williamsburg during our dating days. A storm came upon us, and we had to find shelter; seeing no other option, we stood under a tree and got soaked. Once the rain stopped, we continued our ride, and to our surprise, we found a shelter just around the corner, out of sight from our place of refuge. If we had gone further, we could have stayed dry and found refuge from the storm.

To find refuge, we must seek the Lord. Persevering in the faith means we trust God’s plan and stand firm in His fortress, knowing He will protect us from the prevailing winds of turmoil. But we must seek the Lord, taking the steps necessary to draw close to Him.  If we don’t, we shelter under the wrong tree, getting soaked by the storm. Only the Lord can provide us refuge and a fortress that will stand the test of time, keeping us safe as the hurricane blows around us.


God provides refuge and a fortress for us when we seek Him.


Lord, thank You for giving us a place to go when life overwhelms us. Please help us always take the necessary steps to seek You in our time of need. Let us not fall prey to the world when our hearts ache, and we need rest.


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