One-minute read.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
Dwelling in God’s presence gives us hospitality and protection. Psalm 91 has become known as the Soldier’s Psalm. During WWII, a U.S. Army’s 91st Infantry Division commander printed the Psalm on cards and handed them to his soldiers to carry into battle.[1] At the same time, Jimmy Stewart, a beloved actor from “It’s a Wonderful Life,” enlisted in the U.S. Army Corps. His father sent Jimmy a letter with the Psalm enclosed to carry with him. The verses, found posted in lockers and pockets of soldiers, strengthen those giving their lives for the United States even today.
“It’s going to be those things that we hide in our heart that sustain us, keep us, and give us the hope that comes in knowing Christ.”
Dawn, military wife and mother, testifying to the power of Psalm 91[2]
As a young military wife, Dawn discovered Psalm 91 and felt compelled to teach it to her children as her husband served his country. Later, when her son followed in his father’s footsteps, he served in Iraq. On patrol, bombs started falling around his squad; finding shelter in a bunker, Dawn’s son remembered the words his mother taught him as a child and began speaking them out loud. Miraculously, the entire group survived the bombing, and their faith in God’s protection grew.
God shelters us in His shadow, and hiding the Lord’s word in our hearts helps us remember His promises. We can find rest in the Almighty when we turn to Him for protection, abiding in His shadow, and allowing Him to protect us.
We can find rest in God’s shadow
Lord, thank You for protecting us amid our daily battle. Please help us to seek You first in all things, trusting Your guidance and protection as we serve You. Let us honor and glorify You in all we do.