One-minute read.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
God created this day; rejoice and be glad. Every moment has a divine blueprint attached to it. Although days sometimes seem on repeat, doing the same thing day after day, they do vary. When we look at time from a vertical perspective rather than just our horizontal one, we will discover uniqueness and things to rejoice over.
Years ago, before cell phones, I had my landline phone programmed with a self-recorded wake-up call. Each morning, when I answered the ring, I would hear this scripture. My day started with a reminder that today would never happen again, and God had a plan for whatever came my way. My words and actions would help build His kingdom or tear it down. I had a choice in what attitude I had in facing the next 24 hours.
Our words and actions matter. Every interaction we have with someone affects the kingdom. We can choose to build people up or tear them down. With God guiding us, we can seize the moments He gives us and use them to expand His kingdom as we love others for the Savior. God made this day. We can choose how we use it. The more we let Jesus lead, the more we will rejoice and be glad. Seize the moment and live fully in this day, knowing that God made it.
Journaling Questions:
How does knowing God made this day change your attitude?
What can you do to seize the moments God gives you?
How can you make the most of this day?
Lord, thank You for giving us reasons to rejoice and be glad. Help us seize the moments of this day, celebrating You and living fully. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the opportunities we have to help build Your kingdom as we enjoy the day ahead.