One-minute read.

But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.
James 1:25
James, Jesus’s half-brother and author of the book, describes a person who listens to the Scriptures and puts them into practice. Blessings unfold for someone who studies God’s word day and night and then does it. Regarding the “perfect law,” James means the Lord’s revealed truth through Jesus. Giving our lives to Christ freely, we accept His gift of grace and mercy, finding new life, free from the law.
Jesus lived a perfect life, loving God and others. As His followers, the Lord desires us to become more like Christ with every day that passes. Only by reading and studying the scriptures can we develop a transformational relationship with Jesus. To become like Him, we must know Him. As our Teacher, Jesus leads by example. The more we study the Lord’s life, the better we can mimic Him. We can’t do what we don’t know. And once we know, we must do it. When we put into practice what we learn, God will bless our efforts.
Not until we do what God’s word says will we experience the blessing that comes with it. Faith steps draw us closer to the Creator as we allow Him to transform our lives. Each day, when we seek the Lord, He gives us tasks. Fulfilling our purpose happens one act at a time as we do what Jesus did, becoming more like Him and receiving His blessing.
Journaling Questions:
What does God want you to do today?
What keeps you from doing what God wants you to do?
How can you become more like Jesus today?
Lord, thank You for giving us Your word to help us become more like Jesus. As we take steps of faith and try to mimic the Savior, bless our efforts. Spur us onward with Your blessings as we pursue You.