One-minute read.

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4
Referencing Psalm 69, Paul refers to the Scripture as useful for instruction. Gentiles knew the Old Testament before hearing the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus. The reference from the Psalm regarded the early church as messianic, and it meant to encourage believers on their journey. God’s word helps inspire us and gives us the tools we need to persevere on the journey, which provides us with hope.
We have the Old and New Testaments to instruct and encourage us. Paul didn’t know when he wrote his letter to the Romans how God would use it. Thousands of years later, his words help us find hope and give us instructions on how to develop a relationship with Jesus that transforms our lives and helps us fulfill our destiny. None of us know how the Lord will use our efforts to spur on His followers. But we know that God uses all things for the good of those who believe and trust in Him.
Turn to the Scriptures to find hope. Read about the ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the Lord. Historical acts of faith, written in the Bible, give us hope for what God will do in our lives. The Lord used sinners to write the bestselling book of all time, transforming their lives as they placed their faith in Him, obeyed His commands, and fulfilled their life purpose. God does the same for us when we give our lives to Him, transforming us into new creations.
Journaling Questions:
What Bible character gives you hope and inspires you?
How can reading the scriptures give you hope?
What book of the Bible has changed your life more than any other?
Lord, thank You for giving us written words to encourage, instruct, and provide us with hope. Help us to read them often, applying Your commands to our lives and letting You transform us as we follow You. Bless our efforts as we give You our best efforts.