One-minute read.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31
God doesn’t give empty promises. He wants us to live fully and sent Jesus to help us accomplish that task. Not only did the Lord give up His only Son, but Jesus willingly died on the cross for us. God gave His dearest Child in an act of grace to help the neediest, us. If our heavenly Father would do that for us, He has our back. We can trust in the Creator and His promises.
Yes, we will still face struggles on Earth, but God will grow and mature us as we cling to Him through them. Each time we put our faith in the Lord, allowing Him to lead us through the storm, our character develops and becomes more like Christ. Instead of focusing on our problems, we introduce them to the One who solves them. What we see as obstacles, God sees as future victories.
We needn’t live fearfully; we can stand tall knowing God promises to guide, protect, and deliver us from our problems. Faith in the Lord moves mountains, slays giants, and conquers sin. Because of Jesus, we have victory over death and eternal life in heaven. Don’t let the enemy’s lies fool you; the Lord has a plan and purpose for your life. Following Him will help you accomplish your mission and live life in abundance. If God is for us, who can be against us?
Journaling Questions:
What lies from the enemy have you believed?
What promise of God do you need to rely on today?
What mountain do you need the Lord to move?
Lord, thank You for having our back and giving us victory over the enemy. Please move the mountains, slay the giants, and help us conquer sin. Let us live abundantly as we follow and trust You in all things.