One-minute read.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7
Paul, writing to Timothy, takes the place of a father figure for his young disciple, raised by his mother and grandmother. The letters to Timothy hint at a naturally timid nature, and Paul wants to encourage him. God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit to help us complete our mission. Boldness comes from within our spirit as we trust the Lord for power, love, and self-control. Self-discipline helps us nurture the gifts God gives us as we study His word and apply it to our lives. Like Timothy, we can overcome our fears by relying on our faith.
Fears can cripple people; anxiety can trap its victim. Without faith, I would never have married Ron because I would never have had the strength to start the relationship. After many heartaches, I didn’t want to experience what I had in the past. But when I placed my faith in God and trusted Him to guide me, I overcame my fear of relationships. What I learned, following Jesus, helped me develop healthy connections. Putting God’s principles into practice gave me the power, love, and self-control to open my life to someone else.
Faith overcomes fear as we put our confidence in the Lord instead of ourselves. We make poor decisions because of our limited perspective, but with God’s broad view, He leads us on the path of victory. Live life fear-free following Jesus, tapping into His power, love, and self-control.
Journaling Questions:
What fear or anxiety keeps you from enjoying life thoroughly?
How can you lean into the Holy Spirit’s guidance today?
What does knowing God gives you power, love, and self-control do for you?
Lord, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our fears and find victory in You. As we tap into Your power, love, and self-control, help us use it wisely, drawing others to You. Let us honor and serve You well in all we do.