One-minute read.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
Maintaining fervor following Jesus takes effort. When we first become believers, discovering the grace of the Lord and accepting it into our lives brings with it an ardor as we enjoy forgiveness and a reset for the future. But as time progresses and trials pop up, a danger can arise of slipping back into our old ways as spiritual fervor wanes. At times like these, we must push through, and Paul tells us how: rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.
Pushing through takes determination, discipline, and effort. Coaching a young student and developing her serve, after our last lesson, she told me about a tournament she entered. I challenged her to use the new serve and not revert to her old one, even though she would probably lose points and maybe even the match. Typically, when a player gets in a pressure situation, they revert to what they know instead of pushing through, using the new technique. Like tennis, to reach the next level, we must persevere in the new way of life and not revert to our old habits when life’s pressures close in on us; otherwise, we’ll never grow and never get better.
Revive your soul by rejoicing in hope, practicing patience, and constantly connecting with God through prayer. When you do, you will develop a new way to respond to life and discover a continued zeal for the Lord that only comes from walking closely with Him.
Journaling Questions:
What causes your spiritual fervor to wane?
What do you do when you feel distant from God?
How can you rejoice in hope, practice patience, and pray constantly today?
Lord, thank You for giving us a recipe for success in our spiritual lives. Please help us keep our fervor strong as we attempt to rejoice in hope, practice patience, and constantly connect with You. Energize our souls as we seek You.