One-minute read.

Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil. Avoid it; do not go on it; turn away from it and pass on.
Proverbs 4:14-15
As a person who constantly pushes the limits, I envy my friends who follow the rules, no matter what. In college, my girlfriend and I ran into a bunch of cute guys at a convenience store who asked us for a lift. I immediately said yes. However, my friend said no because her dad told her she couldn’t have more than two people in her car. As the driver, I had to submit to her, but I thought we missed our chance to meet guys.
Actually, she did the right thing, and I respect her for it now more than I ever did then. You won’t walk in evil ways if you never start down the wrong path. My poor judgment regarding men took me down many wrong paths and caused me heartache. However, my friend avoided those issues because she followed her father’s rules.
Our heavenly Father gives us guidelines by which to live. When we follow and obey Him, we’ll turn away from evil paths before we start down them. Not submitting to peer pressure becomes more manageable when we don’t put ourselves in a position for them to tempt us. Just like my friend didn’t get sucked into the boy’s ploys, we’ll avoid trouble by obeying our heavenly Father. Don’t enter the path of the wicked; avoid walking with the evil, turning away to a more abundant life in Christ.
Journaling Questions:
When did you enter a wicked path?
What rules of God do you need to apply to your life?
How can you become more obedient to God?
Lord, thank You for giving us guidelines to apply to our lives and helping us not walk down wicked paths. Let us avoid the way of evil by staying on the straight and narrow, following You closely. Let us honor and glorify You in all things.