One-minute read.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15
John’s addressing the Gnostic-type opponents and their untrue assertions. Gnosticism developed in the 2nd century and taught that salvation came through secret knowledge, defining Jesus as spiritual and not human, the physical world as evil, and the spiritual world as good.[i] Gnostic means “to know” or “knowledge,” not intellectual but mythical and tells the secret of salvation.
Where Christianity believes all who call Jesus Lord experience salvation, Gnostics believe salvation only comes to the enlightened, a select few. Gnosticism caused heated debates within the church and eventually a separation. John warns believers not to follow these false teachings because they are of the world and not of Jesus. Anyone who loves the world doesn’t have God’s love in them.
Staying focused on the truth of Jesus will dispel any lies. Studying a dollar bill so well lets you immediately notice slight differences in counterfeit bills. False teachers often have similar teachings to Jesus but with subtle differences. The more we study Christ’s life and ministry, the faster we will identify false teachings. God’s light shines through those who follow Him; false teachers live in darkness, shedding no light on the world around them.
Journaling Questions:
When have you experienced false teachings?
How can you identify false teachings quickly?
How does Jesus’s light shine through you?
Lord, thank You for exposing false teachings in our lives. As we study Jesus’ life and ministry, help us quickly identify the lies we believe. Let the truth of the gospel illuminate our lives and expel any darkness.