One-minute read.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night.
Psalm 1:1-2
Opening the book of Psalms, “Blessed is the man,” evokes joy and gratitude as the Psalmist praises the Lord for His provision. Living a devoted life to the Lord means seeking wise counsel from God and not taking bad advice from someone with wicked intentions. Meditating on God’s word helps us discern which path to follow, walking straight and serving the Lord with all our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.
Mockers do not regard the Lord and His commandments, ignoring instruction and stirring up strife with their words. Devoted to themselves and not interested in others, mockers cause harm wherever they go. Christ’s follower’s delight comes from studying, knowing, and memorizing God’s Word and then doing it. Unlike mockers, they put God and others first, leading with love and looking out for the best interests of others.
Putting God’s word into practice refreshes our souls as it becomes our chief desire. Fearing the Lord’s opinion more than people starts the journey. Growing and maturing in Christ brings joy as we become more like Him. Living a righteous life develops a strong character as we continually follow God’s command and delight in His law.
Journaling Questions:
When has bad advice caused you a problem?
What does it mean to you to delight in God’s law?
How can you meditate on God’s word more?
Lord, thank You for giving us Your word as a guide to live our lives. Help us meditate on it day and night, applying it to our lives and living righteously. Let us become more like Jesus as we pursue You wholeheartedly.