One-minute read.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24
Loyal friendship comes from unexpected places. Some people only last a season, but others go the distance, traveling through life with us, our connections closer than that of a brother. I met one of my dear friends while working as a game room attendant in high school. Video games lined the walls of the ski lodge, and I would hand out change from my little office to the patrons.
“Hi, I’m Laura.” When my now lifelong friend introduced herself to me, I had no idea what journey we would go on together. Car accidents, boyfriends, husbands, children (hers), ministry issues, losing our parents, her first grandbaby, we had no way of knowing what life held for us that long ago summer day when she introduced herself to me and our friendship began.
According to the Pew Research Center, 8% of people say they have no close friends, only 38% say they have five or more, and 53% report having 1-4 close friends.[i] Our technological world gives us many internet connections, but our physical friendships dwindle. Everyone needs friends and close relationships that support and help us through life, both the good and bad. Following Jesus teaches us how to have strong connections with God and others. Practicing what the Savior commands and loving God and others will help you develop friendships with people who stick closer than brothers.
Journaling Questions:
How many loyal friendships do you have?
Who sticks closer than a brother in your life?
What can you do to develop loyal friendships?
Lord, thank You for giving us friends that stick closer than a brother. Help us develop relationships that last a lifetime, creating loyal connections that we can count on in times of trouble. With You at the center of our relationships, we can have the three cord friendships that don’t break.