One-minute read.

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 13:20
Who we hang out with today determines our tomorrow. Pier pressure makes us do things we wouldn’t otherwise do. Know who influences you and how. Find people you want to emulate and hang out with them. Learn how they do life, why they make the decisions they do, and how they persevere through life’s storms. Pursue healthy relationships, ask people to lunch, take them to coffee, and go on a walk with them. Determine who you want to influence in your life, then find ways to spend time with them.
In tennis, playing against people better than you, the same as you, and at a lower level helps you develop your game best. Walking with Jesus, we should have people who mentor us, people on the same level as us, and people we mentor. Developing a well-rounded network helps us continue to grow, have support for the journey, and lead others to Jesus. We must walk with the wise to become wise and share what we learn with others.
Living intentionally and thinking about who we surround ourselves with will help us become the best version of ourselves. God created us to live in a community with others, and we can determine what that community looks like. If we let people on a negative path influence our lives, we’ll end up in the pit with them. But when we pursue relationships with wise people, we live victoriously in Christ with them.
Journaling Questions:
Who has the most influence in your life?
Whose life would you like to emulate?
How can you pursue new relationships with people today?
Lord, thank You for giving us wise people in our lives. Help us pursue relationships with people who will support us in our relationship with You, growing more mature and wiser as we spend time with them. Let us fulfill our potential as we pursue wisdom through Your children.