One-minute read.

And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single hour to his span of life?
Matthew 6:27
Worry shortens our lives in more than just a physical way; it steals the joy from the present moment. Take advice from someone who has wasted too much time worrying about things that never happened and missed out on some pivotal moments. When I think back to my younger years and the events I didn’t attend, the invitations I didn’t accept, and the memories I didn’t make because I lost myself in anxiety and worry, I have regret.
“Worry isn’t going to do any good.”
My mom tried to help me with my obsessive worrying. Only as I grew older and had the unexpected happen did I see the value in her words. Anxiety focuses our thoughts on one of two things: what happened in the past or what could happen in the future. We miss the present when we let our minds get stuck in the past or the future. With little chance of our worries coming to fruition, we must take Jesus’s words to heart and not waste our time. Instead, we can find ways to cope with our anxiety and stay grounded in the present.
Jesus wants us to live in the now, and He wants us to live fully present. We can accomplish that goal when we keep the Son in our eyes. Trusting in the promises of the Lord and allowing Him to control our lives, we can release our worries to Him, knowing He already has an answer. God promises us hope and a future; He has the best plan for our lives if we let Him lead and we follow.
Journaling Questions:
What worries are stealing joy from you today?
How can you let go of your anxiety and trust Jesus?
What promise of God’s do you need to meditate on today?
Lord, thank You for taking care of all our concerns. Help us remember that worrying does no good for anyone, and most of what we worry about won’t happen. Let us live with peaceful hearts as we give control of our lives to You, trusting Your plan for our lives.