One-minute read.

“Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34
God doesn’t want us worrying our life away. The Lord wants us to rely on Him to provide all our needs. Fretting about what might happen tomorrow steals joy from today. Ninety-one percent of the things we anguish over never occur.[i] And for the other nine percent, it’s never as bad as we imagine. Dealing with today’s problems will give us enough to do; we don’t need to borrow trouble by worrying about what might happen tomorrow.
The Lord gives us enough grace for today. Whatever happens tomorrow, God will provide more grace for then. Wasting today’s grace on what might happen tomorrow does no good. Staying present now helps us live life to the fullest and doesn’t allow us to miss today’s blessings. Thinking about future problems takes us out of today’s game. Don’t write the book; enjoy the scene.
Don’t borrow trouble. Let the day unfold, trusting God will give you whatever you need to survive. Instead of wasting time and energy on things that will never happen, stay grounded in the present, enjoying the blessings of today. When your mind starts to stray, remind yourself that the Lord will give you what you need when you need it, not a moment earlier. Relax in the arms of the Lord, let Him handle your problems, and let your worries drift away.
Journaling Questions:
What trouble have you borrowed lately?
What have you worried about in the past that never happened?
How can you stay grounded in the present today?
Lord, thank You for handling our problems and giving us the grace we need when we need it. Please help us focus on today and not worry about tomorrow. Don’t let the enemy steal our joy or waste our time. IJNIP. Amen