Imitate Good

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One-minute read.

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.

3 John 1:11

John, the elder, speaks to Gaius and encourages him to continue doing good. Concerned Gaius may experience pressure from Diotrephes and his supporters, John wants to help him persevere. Surrendering principles means submitting to evil. The disciple reminds Gaius that Jesus set the perfect example for him and us. Imitating Christ will not only please God but also help us continually do the next right thing with a positive attitude.

Never crabby, warm, and tender, connecting with others through the heart, doing what Jesus did will guide us on the right path. We need an example to follow. As a tennis coach, I demonstrate the stroke first, then let my students mimic my actions. Sometimes, I need to make slight adjustments; other times, they do it perfectly without further assistance. In the same way, Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live. Reading scripture and studying His life will help us become more like the Savior and live fuller.

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

Who we spend our time with affects how we act. Developing a support system of Christ’s followers will help us not succumb to the pressure of the world. Jesus helps us live a good life for the Lord when we do what He did, loving God and others well.

Journaling Questions:

Who influences your life the most?

What can you do to become more like Jesus?

How does having a network of believers help you maintain Christ’s principles?


Lord, thank You for giving us an example to follow in Jesus. Bless our efforts as we strive to become more like Christ. When the world’s pressures tempt us away from You, draw us back into Your arms. Let us represent You well.


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