One-minute read.

A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23
Saying the right thing at the right time brings joy to the receiver. “Being able to read the room,” as my husband says, helps us know what words to use and when. Without a doubt, I have failed many times at reading the room well, but the older I get, the better I become. To know the appropriate speech, we must think about the other person. Trying to uplift and encourage will help us to use the right words at the right time.
I felt deflated after speaking at Life Community Church over Memorial Day Weekend. Posting the video on Facebook took courage, as I don’t like seeing myself in videos. But two days after posting it, I received a text from one of my friends that spoke right to my discouraged and tired soul, lifting me up and bringing me joy. Knowing all the hard work had touched someone’s life and helped them find hope made it worthwhile. Apt answers at the right time bring joy.
When offering advice to someone, make sure they want it. Don’t kick them when they already feel down. Instead, use words that will build them up, give them hope, and bring joy to their lives. As Christ followers, we have building permits, not demolition notices. How we use words determines whether we build or demolish the other person. Well-chosen words will delight the receiver and give them joy.
Journaling Questions:
When has someone given you an apt answer that turned your day around?
When did you tear someone down with something you said?
How can you read the room well, speak life, and give delightful words to people?
Lord, thank You for allowing us to use our words wisely. Please help us to always give apt answers to people, building them up and not tearing them down. Let us read the room well, knowing when to speak and when to keep quiet.