One-minute read.

Godly Character
And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.
Luke 16:15
What the world esteems, God finds detestable. Knowing our hearts, the Lord doesn’t value material things; He looks at intent. Jesus refers to the Pharisees who combined gaining wealth with piety. Paid for their teachings, the religious leaders persuaded men of their purity while hiding their greed. But God knew their hearts and their wicked intent. We can’t hide anything from the Lord; He knows and sees everything we do.
“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
Psalm 139:7
Understanding God’s presence in our lives helps us become sure of ourselves. Golfing on vacation, next to the last hole, I double-parred, which ruined my score. Debating in my mind, I came up with many reasons to “forget” a few strokes, but then I thought of the Lord. Golf allows me to work on my integrity; counting every stroke helps develop my character. God doesn’t care about my score, but He does care about my honesty. So, I entered “8” on my scorecard and walked surefooted, knowing I did the right thing.
Caring about the Lord’s opinion instead of people will develop your character and help you prioritize the important things in life. Money doesn’t last, and material things disappear, but a Godly character lasts forever.
Journaling Questions:
What area of your life do you try to hide from God?
How does knowing the Lord knows your heart change your thinking?
What can you do today to help develop Godly character in your life?
Lord, thank You for holding us accountable for our actions and teaching us what matters. Help us when temptation makes us want to hide things from You. Please give us the strength to do the right thing, no matter the situation.