One-minute read.

Confidence in God
For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
Proverbs 3:26
Confidence in God can help you become sure of yourself. According to PBS, we make an average of 35,000 decisions a day.[1] Making a wrong choice can lead us down roads we never intended to go and cause us to doubt ourselves. But when we look to God for direction, He will keep our feet from being caught and stumbling down the wrong paths.
To develop confidence in the Lord, we must continually take steps of faith, processing our thoughts and actions through scripture. Preserving sound judgment and discernment requires diligence in seeking the Savior during regular and dark times. By practicing a daily quiet time with God and making it a routine in our lives, He will lead us on the path of righteousness, and your confidence in God will grow.
Journaling helps me focus my thoughts and bring my concerns before God. Each morning, I write down whatever scripture or scriptures speak to me. Then, I journal why the words touched my heart and give whatever worries or concerns I have to my Maker. When I finish my entry with an “In Jesus’s name I pray,” I find the Lord’s peace that surpasses understanding and confidence that God will lead me through my day.
Become sure of yourself by developing confidence in the Lord. Put God’s word into practice in your life, knowing the Lord keeps His promises, protects His flock, and won’t let you go astray.
Journaling Questions:
- How much confidence do you have in God to guide you on the right path?
- What can you do today to develop more confidence in God?
- In what areas of your life do you feel unsure of yourself?
Lord, thank You for leading us on the path of righteousness, not letting our feet stumble as we place our confidence in You. Help us learn to seek You in all things, not trusting our judgment but instead relying on Yours. Let us honor and serve You well as we trust You more.