One-minute read.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
Amid grief, writing about comfort challenges me. Experiencing the loss of a dear child in my life and walking through the tragedy with one of my best friends brings me to my knees like nothing else. Trusting the Lord at times like these and placing my hope in Him helps me persevere; knowing His grace comforts us. Through the darkness of these days, God’s light continues to shine in the warm embrace of friends, the quiet moments when He speaks to our hearts, and the strength we receive to take the next step. Although we can’t understand why, we can trust God knows the answers.
“I would never have experienced grace to such a depth if it wasn’t for this experience,” said a grieving father, speaking about his son’s murder. After the horrible event, he sought God’s strength to persevere, which the Lord provided. Listening to my friend’s message, delivered at church, I will never forget his words. Often, he speaks of the grace he encountered in the depths of his pain.
God comforts those who mourn in myriad ways, each personal to the individual. The Lord walks with us at our darkest moments, providing our needs and helping us persevere. With grief comes divine comfort. In my situation, I have felt God’s arms around me at pivotal moments, comforting me in ways that only He can. When you mourn, the Lord mourns with you and comforts you.
God comforts those who mourn.
Lord, thank You for comforting our aching hearts and giving us heavenly comfort. Please help us persevere amid our heartaches. We ask You for the strength to keep going, especially when we struggle to get out of bed.