Divine Acknowledgment

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One-minute read.

“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God,

Luke 12:8

Walking into the pro shop for our couples league, the staff clapped as we entered. “There they are, the couple responsible for this,” the Pro said. Uncomfortable with praise, I immediately started blushing. Due to circumstances outside the league coordinator’s control, the golf group unexpectedly lost their home. Helping our leader find a new course to play, I put him in touch with the Pro at our local course, and eventually, the league decided to move to it. As a result, the staff appreciated and acknowledged our efforts.

When we acknowledge Jesus before men, He will acknowledge us before the angels of God. Like the staff clapping their hands for us, Jesus will cheer us joyfully as we enter their presence, pleased with our efforts. But we must put Christ before men. God calls us to honor and serve Him, not taking credit for His work.

In all honesty, I did nothing but give the league coordinator a connection. He did all the work moving the couples group to a different course. Our leader deserves the praise, not us. In the same way, Jesus deserves acknowledgment for the work He does in our lives. When we give the Lord His due, He, in return, gives us ours. Acknowledge Jesus before men, and enjoy the Savior acknowledging you before the angels of God. What a glorious day when Christ commends us for our efforts here on Earth.


Acknowledge Jesus, and He acknowledges us.


Lord, thank You for Your divine acknowledgment when we give You credit for the work You do for us. Please help us speak boldly of Jesus, sharing the Savior at every opportunity. Let us speak of Him to men, and have Christ speak of us to You.


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