One-minute read.

Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek your statutes. Great is your mercy, O Lord; give me life according to your rules.
Psalm 119:155-156
Only God can deliver and redeem. People look for salvation in many places, but only Jesus can save us. Many movements take root, but only the Lord’s lasts. Over the past four years, false teachings have led people astray as they look for artificial solutions. Humans make horrible saviors because they always have an ulterior motive.
Jesus has one motive: to save us from our sins and reconnect us with our heavenly Father. God loves us in our muck and mess, but He doesn’t want us to stay in it. As a result, He sent His Son to give us a way out of the pit and a new way to live.
God’s word has guidelines to apply to our lives and become more like Jesus. Applying His rules to our actions will make us people of integrity, trustworthy, loyal, and faithful. We will discover a fullness to life we can’t find any other way as the Lord strengthens our character as we take steps of faith, doing what He tells us to do.
Following Jesus and living according to His rules helps us become the best version of ourselves and more like Christ. Change can happen anytime; with the Lord, you can always begin again. God gives us fresh mercy every morning and the opportunity to try again.
God offers new mercy every day.
Lord, thank You for new mercies every morning. Please help us accept the grace You give us and change our ways, one day at a time. When we falter, give us the strength to try again, confessing our sins and allowing You to renew our hearts.