One-minute read.

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.
John 14:18-19
Jesus, speaking to the disciples, wants to reassure them of His support. As spiritual children, they felt helpless in an unfriendly world when Christ died on the cross. And so, when Jesus reappeared to them after His resurrection, it assured them of God’s presence, guidance, and protection. Their heavenly Father wouldn’t abandon them but instead give them the Holy Spirit to help them navigate the rough waters of life as they shared the Gospel with others. Eternal life comes through Jesus, who never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Sometimes, we can feel alone and adrift in life. When the world’s pressures wash over us, we lose hope. But Jesus wants us to take heart, knowing His Spirit lives in us and never leaves us. Feelings lie, but the Lord doesn’t. One day, God will call us to our spiritual home in heaven. But until that day, we have a job to share the Gospel with all we meet by loving the Lord and others. As we develop our relationship with God through prayer, His word, and fellowship with other believers, the Lord will guide us on our journey, helping us fulfill the purpose He has for us.
God adopted us into His family when we gave our lives to Jesus. He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have a Godly family that loves and supports us, becoming God in the flesh to us during difficult times. We may feel alone, but feelings lie. The Holy Spirit lives within us, going everywhere we go, guiding and protecting us on our journey.
God adopts us into His family.
Lord, thank You for adopting us into Your family through Jesus. When we feel isolated and alone, reassure us of Your presence, defeating the devil’s lies and giving us strength to persevere through life’s storms. Let us honor and serve You well.