Joy-Filled Life

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One-minute read.

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

John 15:9-11

Love unites Christ’s followers, the branches that attach us to His divine vine. By becoming part of Jesus’s family, we develop obedience and joy. Obeying God causes fruitfulness that results in joy. Jesus wants us to live a whole life in Him and doesn’t want us burdened but spontaneous and happy instead. The more obedient we become, the more joy-filled our life. As we see the fruit produced by following Christ, we will experience more joy as we realize we couldn’t do it on our own strength.

To live spontaneously in Christ, obey His commands, and do them, we must first know what Jesus wants us to do. In Mark, when asked what commandment we should prioritize above all others, God’s Son gives a simple answer:  love God and others with all we have. And so, when faced with everyday life situations, the question we should ask ourselves remains the same: How can I love God and this person in this moment?

We must dig into the scriptures to discover how to love and see what Jesus did. Learning how the Lord responded to non-believers, religious zealots, and everyone in between helps us know how to do so. Christ always responded with love, putting His heavenly Father’s wants and desires first, others next, and His own last. Joy comes to those who put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.


A joy-filled life comes when we follow Jesus.


Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus for our salvation and showing us how to live a joy-filled life. Please help us become more and more obedient as we get to know Christ better and do what He did while on Earth. Let us show our love for You by loving others and receiving the joy that comes with it.


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