One-minute read.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18
Paul focuses on the glory we will one day receive in heaven. We can’t imagine what awaits us, but we can lean into the Lord’s promise of our future reward to help us persevere through today’s suffering. The heartaches of this world will seem light compared to the splendor of eternal life with Christ. One day, God will reveal His glory to us; we can’t even begin to imagine its wonder. Our best moment on Earth will seem pale compared to what we will experience in heaven.
God recently called a young friend of mine home. Her beautiful light no longer shines on Earth, but He has revealed to her the glory of heaven. Mourning our loss, thinking of her in Jesus’s arms brings me comfort. The Lord gave her to us for twenty years as a gift, and she touched the lives of everyone she met. But then He called her home, revealing His glory to her. One day, we will meet again. But until then, I know she rests in the glory of heaven.
Loving God and others and introducing them to Christ remain the highest callings. We never know how long we will have people in our lives. Only God knows when He will call us home. But knowing they have Jesus in their heart will bring comfort when that day comes. Because with Christ, we know a future glory awaits, one we can’t imagine. And when the Lord calls us home, Jesus will receive us in His arms, wiping every tear away, revealing His glory.
Future glory awaits those who place their faith in Jesus.
Lord, thank You for the glory that awaits us and the strength to endure the temporary trials of this life. When doubt sets in our minds, please remind us that You have our reward waiting for us in heaven and that the troubles we face today won’t last long.