One-minute read.

And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Paul addresses restlessness in the Thessalonian community, which can lead to meddlesome behavior and cause problems. Instead, the apostle instructs them to live quiet lives, working with their hands, minding their business, and setting an example of proper conduct. The Greek culture of the time viewed manual labor as degrading, but Christ, a carpenter by trade, made working with your hands an honorable pursuit. Keeping ourselves busy helps us stay out of trouble, sets an excellent example for those who don’t know Jesus, and enables us to avoid the pitfalls of idleness.
Looking for an outlet for my books, I started a crafting business. Not only does my shop allow me to showcase my latest works, but it also keeps me busy and out of trouble. Working to fill my shop with handmade wares gives me a creative outlet that constantly challenges me to learn new things. As I set sales goals and strive to attain them each month, it exhilarates and stretches me. I thank God for my quiet life, which allows me to work with my hands, occupies my mind, and draws me closer to the Lord, all while serving others.
Busy bodies cause problems no one needs. Paul wants us to stay out of other people’s affairs and urges us to keep our business in order. God only gives us an allotted amount of time on Earth. We have a choice in how we spend it. Walk properly, live quietly, and serve the Lord in all you do.
Living a quiet life helps us walk properly.
Lord, thank You for guiding us on how to live our lives. Please help us live quietly, find productive things to do with our hands, stay out of other people’s business, and set an excellent example for those who don’t know You. Bless our efforts as we strive to obey Your commands.