One-minute read.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Enlist the Lord as your travel agent through life. Instead of leaning on your understanding, tap into His ways, acknowledging Him and allowing God to plan your steps. We have a limited view, our perspectives short sighted. What seems right to us may cause harm. And the things in life that seem bad could cause us to praise God. We don’t know because we only see life from a narrow view.
Planning a vacation takes research and effort. You must determine where you want to go, how to get there, where to stay, and what to do once you arrive. Calling a travel agent and allowing them to take care of the details makes the trip much more enjoyable. We have the Almighty we can call to guide and direct us on the paths we should take. When we trust Him, we don’t have to worry about what comes our way because we know the Lord will use it for our good.
Put your trust in God. Instead of leaning into your limited understanding, acknowledge the Lord and let Him guide you down the right path. Not only will the Almighty direct your steps, but you will also have abundant life following Him. Nothing spells adventure like letting God plan your life trip. He will take you places you never thought you would go, and you will experience unbelievable things with the Lord as your guide.
God will make your paths straight when you trust Him.
Lord, thank You for making our paths straight as we trust You and acknowledge Your ways. Help us to continually seek You for guidance, following the Holy Spirit’s promptings and taking steps of faith that allow us to live an abundant life.