One-minute read.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Training a child with purpose will endure throughout their entire lifetime. Dedicating time and energy to teaching children about Jesus and His commands will help them stand firmly on the Rock when the storms of life come. Children go through five stages of development from birth to 18 years old; at every stage, they need love, responsiveness, guidance, understanding, and time.[i] Engaging with kids and giving them time and a safe place to explore the world around them helps train them in ways they won’t depart.
“According to the Barna Group, almost half (43 percent) of Americans accept Jesus as their savior before reaching 13 years old, 64 percent accept Jesus before they turned 18, 13 percent made the commitment in between the ages of 18 to 21, and 23 percent accepted Jesus after they reach 21 years of age.”[ii]
If kids don’t learn about Jesus before age of 21, their chances of following Him diminish. By the early twenties, people have developed belief systems, if not in Jesus, then in things of this world. Training children in the ways of God will help them have full lives, lean into the Creator for their strength, and fulfill the purpose He has for them. Train a child how he should go, and he won’t depart from it.
Show kids the way to go, and they won’t depart.
Lord, thank You for showing us how to raise our children. Help us train them well so they won’t depart from You. Bless our efforts at introducing kids to Jesus, and let the tree of life take root in their hearts. IJNIP. Amen