One-minute read.

Rescues Us
I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
Psalm 18:3
David, the author of Psalm 18, has confidence in the Lord’s deliverance. Throughout his lifetime, God showed up repeatedly for the shepherd boy turned king. Calling upon the Almighty, David defeated Goliath, escaped Saul’s attacks, and experienced military victory after victory, always giving God the glory. Remembering how the Lord rescues us from past challenges helps us confidently praise Him for what He will do for us now.
“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.”
2 Thess. 3:3
Spiritual warfare exists all around us. Whispering lies in our ears; the enemy tries to pull us away from our faithful, heavenly Father. But when we call on the Lord, He saves us from the devil’s ploys. As campers, we fight the battle against insects. On a recent trip to Georgia, the “no see ums,” tiny flies, attacked at every turn. Using a fogger, a bug repellent, I sprayed the ground around my chair to protect me from their little bites, then applied bug spray to my body, successfully thwarting their efforts. In the same way, God protects us from our unseen enemy.
Surrounding us with His angels, the Lord protects us from enemy attacks and rescues us from his ploys. We can confidently praise God, knowing He rescues us from our enemies. Like David, we can worship our Rescuer, knowing victory comes from Him.
God rescues us from enemy attacks.
Lord, thank You for faithfully protecting us, rescuing us from the enemy, and keeping us safe. Remind us to call out to You when the enemy attacks, thwarting his efforts and giving us victory. All glory to You.