One-minute read.

Generous Wisdom
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.“
James 1:5
Facing trials, we often lack the wisdom to know how to deal with them. We don’t need opinions; we need guidance. The Lord wants us to turn to Him at these times and ask for help, which He will give us. But if we don’t ask, we won’t receive. God-given understanding helps us discern the path we should take, helping us avoid wickedness and live a life of righteousness. The Lord helps us understand the nature and purpose of trials, realizing we will grow and become more like Christ as we persevere through the storm.
Silver can’t become pure unless it goes through the fire, bringing the impurities to the surface, making it easy to sift out of the precious metal. In the same way, without testing, we can’t become mature and complete. Lord knows, the testing I’ve endured the past year has made me more dependent on Him and sifted some control issues out of my life. Learning to let go and trust God doesn’t come as easily for me as you may think. As devoted as I am to the Lord, I still struggle with trust issues. Thankfully, the Almighty uses life’s trials to help me submit and trust Him more, maturing me.
Seek God’s wisdom to help you endure the trials of life. Don’t rely on your strength to persevere; access the Almighty’s, continue in the faith, and let Him mature and complete you as He leads you to victory.
God generously gives wisdom when we seek it.
Lord, thank You for giving us the wisdom to face life’s trials. When we find ourselves in the fire, remind us of Your presence. Help us to learn the lessons You have for us and become mature and complete as we trust You in the test.