One-minute read.

Steadfast Love
For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10
“Hesed,” the Hebrew word for love in today’s verse, translates as “unfailing love.” Using the mountains as an example, they will go away, but the Lord’s steadfast love will never leave us, and neither will His peace. Circumstances will pass, emotions will fade, and arguments will end, but we can count on God’s love and peace forever.
Of course, we all have days when we don’t feel the Lord’s love or His peace. They haven’t left us, but our focus changes and we forget God’s promise. When the problems before us seem like mountains we can’t climb and the hills overwhelm us, we forget to look to the Creator. We can’t tap into the Almighty’s strength if we forget to include Him in the conversation. Faith connects us to God, giving us confidence in what we cannot see. Hope helps us persevere when all seems lost. And the Lord’s love keeps us tied to Him with bonds that no one or thing can break.
Look at the mountain before you and tell it about the God you serve. Remember what Jesus did on the cross for you and why He did it: love. If no one else on earth existed but You, Christ would still die for you. When Jesus ascended to heaven, He left us with the gift of His Spirit that resides in us. Tapping into the peace that surpasses all understanding means keeping the Lord at the center of our lives, trusting in Him and His steadfast love no matter what circumstances we face.
God’s love lasts forever.
Lord, thank You for Your steadfast love that will never leave nor forsake us. Help us to remember this promise when we feel discouraged and downtrodden. Restore our peace when we lose sight of You. Let us live fully in Your love as we serve You with all our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits.