One-minute read.

Holds Your Hand
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
Isaiah 41:13
In every good action movie, a pivotal rescue scene occurs. The hero, defeated and hopeless, hangs perilously from a cliff. He peers down at the ravine below, accepting his fate. On the verge of letting go, a miracle happens. From above comes a hand; looking up, our hero sees salvation as he grasps the proffered limb. With one mighty heave, the hero stands back on solid ground, ready to resume the fight.
God offers His hand to us, holding tightly to ours, helping us fight our daily battles. We don’t need to tiptoe around our challenges in fear; we can tackle them with faith, knowing the Lord holds our hand. Unlike the hero dangling from the edge of a cliff, we have a Creator who walks with us, not letting us fall. Nothing comes before us God doesn’t allow. We may not understand why, but we can trust Him to walk us through the storm, holding us tightly in His hand.
Look up today. Instead of focusing on the ravine below, focus on the Almighty. Trust that God holds your hand, walking with you in the battle. With your head held high, introduce your problems to the Master. Remember that God’s got this, just like He did yesterday and will tomorrow.
God’s holding your hand and helping you.
Lord, thank You for holding our hand and helping us fight our battles. Please remove any fear we have from us as we face our challenges boldly with You. Give us victory over our anxieties as we tackle our problems with faith, not fear.