One-minute read.

Long Life
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12
Only one of the Ten Commandments comes with a promise, the fourth one. God instructs us to honor our father and mother, and we will have a long life. For me, I had the privilege of watching both of my parents pass into heaven. My dad took his last breath in the hospital in Franklin, PA, after battling cancer, all his children but one surrounding his bed. Mom died at home, with my brother and me by her side, when she moved to her heavenly home. I had the opportunity to honor both of them in their final days.
“I don’t understand why people want to be a victim. Your mama did this, your daddy did that. All they had to do was give you life and however good or however bad it was, now it’s up to YOU to make something of it.” Madea, Madea Goes to Jail[i]
For some, honoring their parents takes effort. Not everyone has ideal relationships with their father and mother. Accepting the imperfections of our moms and dads helps us come to peace with them, allowing us to honor them despite the hurts they may have caused. Asking God to help see them through His eyes can give a new perspective and grace toward the parents He gave us. We can start with gratitude that they chose life and honor them by living our lives well, forgiving them, and loving them as God desires.
God promises a long life when we honor our fathers and mothers. Applying Jesus’ teachings to our relationships, tapping into His strength to do the right thing, will help us obey the Lord’s command and receive the promise that comes with it.
God promises a long life when we honor our parents.
Lord, thank You for giving us parents who chose to provide us with life. Please help us honor them despite the hurts we may have experienced. Give us the wisdom and discernment to do the next right thing, obeying Your commands and receiving Your promises. Let us live fully in Christ, becoming more like Him every day.