One-minute read.

Holy Work
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3
Commit means “roll” in today’s verse. God wants us to roll our burdens onto Him, depending on His assistance to accomplish our tasks. Our work becomes holy when we commit our jobs to the Lord and let Him help us. Not everything we put on our calendar pleases the Lord, but when we roll our burdens onto Him, God weeds out the things we shouldn’t do and prioritizes divine tasks.
For years, I have written Proverbs 16:3 in my journal at the beginning of the week, usually on Sunday mornings, and then I pray over everything I have on my calendar for the next seven days. Lunch meetings, tennis classes, writing agendas, exercise classes, prayer meetings, trips, whatever I have scheduled gets prayed over and rolled onto the Lord. As the week unfolds, some things drop off my calendar, and others get added. Having prayed over my agenda, I know the Lord leads the way, and I trust when unexpected changes take me places I didn’t have on my calendar.
Roll your burdens onto the Lord. Talk about your calendar with Him. Ask God to help you prioritize your time and talents; He will help you make the most of your days. Trusting God with your work will help you accomplish the divine tasks He has for you. Living for Christ will give you a pep in your step and an attitude of gratitude for the work He gives you to do.
God establishes our plans.
Lord, thank You for establishing our plans and helping us make the most of our time. As we roll our burdens onto You, help us complete our tasks, trusting Your guidance. Let our work become holy as we commit it to You, letting You turn the mundane into the divine.