One-minute read.

Promise: Fear Not
God holds us in His hand, strengthening and helping us through our trials. We need not fear because the Lord never leaves us. Taking steps of faith can seem daunting, but the Creator doesn’t act until we take a step. Overcoming our anxieties only happens when we move forward despite our fears.
Don’t let anxiety make your decisions for you. If we feed our fears, they will grow. But if we feed our faith, our fears will diminish as our confidence in God blossoms. Doing things scared defines bravery. Facing our giants requires a decision to move forward despite the possible outcomes. Trusting the Lord for victory means we do what we know to do and count on God to do the rest.
After suffering two blood clots, I have a fear of developing another one. On blood thinners, I must maintain a therapeutic level. On a recent trip, I dropped below the recommended level, and when my leg swelled, I panicked. Doing what I knew to do meant calling the doctor, going for a bike ride to increase circulation, and then elevating my leg. The rest I trusted to the Lord, knowing He knew the inner workings of my body.
Faith overcame my fear.
Overcome fear with steps of faith, trusting God’s promise to strengthen and help you as He holds you in His hand.
Lord, thank You for strengthening and helping us face our giants. As we take steps of faith, diminish our fear, moving forward boldly, knowing You have our backs. Show us what we can do, then do what only You can do. In all things, honor and glory go to You. Remove our fear and replace it with unwavering faith. IJNIP. Amen