One-minute read.

Freedom in Christ.
Possibly referring to Jerusalem’s period of exile, the people prayed for God to do something in His great love and mercy. David identified with the people’s sin, need for grace, and anticipation of the Lord’s mercy, leading to great joy. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem, an answer to prayer that fortified the city and brought the people out of exile, filling them with joy.
We can fortify the walls of our hearts by memorizing and placing our faith in God’s promises, protecting us from enemy attacks. The closer we follow Jesus, the more the devil attacks. Trying to deter us from our mission, the enemy uses anything that will gain a foothold in our lives to keep us in bondage. Thankfully, Christ set us free.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
The freedom we receive from Jesus happens when we confess our sins, repent of our ways, and turn and follow Him. When the Lord started His ministry, He did so with two words, “Follow Me.” As the disciples left their old lives behind one by one, following Jesus, they found the freedom only He can give.
Live in Christ’s freedom. Submit your life to Him, receive His Spirit, and follow Him to a life of abundance.
Lord, thank You for a new life in Christ. Thank You for the freedom we find when we lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and follow Jesus. Help us each day to once again choose Your Son. Let us live abundantly, following You, honoring and glorifying You with every step we take. IJNIP. Amen