One-minute read.

Contrite heart.
Spiritual renewal requires humility. Thinking too highly of ourselves means we don’t think high enough of God. We tend to forget our need for the Lord when things go well. Taking life for granted happens to everyone. Ron and I will celebrate twelve years of marriage together in August, God willing. Where the past 4,380 days went, I don’t know. Even living intentionally, trying to cherish every moment, the days still flew by, and I took them for granted to some extent.
Accepting our lack of control in life will humble us. We think we know what tomorrow will bring, but none of us do. Life changes in moments, things happen we didn’t see coming, and pride vanishes when faced with its fragility. Staying centered on God keeps us focused on the One in control.
The Lord loves a heart centered on Him. God will plant seeds that bring forth much fruit in the ground of a soft heart. A humble attitude and a contrite heart make us usable to the Creator. We can do everything through Christ only if we submit to Him.
Spend time surrendering your heart to the Lord today. Usher His presence into a heart filled with humility. Experience the renewal that the Lord can give.
God, thank You for renewing our hearts and helping us persevere through life’s storms. Keep us humble and hungry for more of You. As we face the challenges in our lives, let us do so with confidence, knowing You walk with us. In all things, we honor and glorify You. IJNIP. Amen