One-minute read.

Deeper commitment.
Gratitude brings commitment. The more grateful we feel towards the Lord, the more blessings we count, the deeper we will commit our lives to God. A living miracle; every breath I take gives me a reason to praise my Creator.
“Those that are healthy wish for many things; those that aren’t wish for only one.” Ron Morrison.
My husband’s wisdom always amazes me. Since my last blood clot, I’ve developed anxiety I didn’t have before. His words run through my mind often. My gratitude for life, given by the Lord, keeps me praising Him. Having a renewed sense of purpose and realizing life’s fragility changes my perspective. In some ways, I feel driven to work hard for the Lord, and in other ways, I just feel thankful.
Anyone can develop an attitude of gratitude. Write down five things you can thank God for right now: your family and friends, a place to live and work, health to do what you want, and breath in your lungs; these things deserve a hallelujah. God doesn’t ask us to sacrifice on the burnt altar; He wants us to appreciate the gifts He gives us and thank Him for them.
Lord, thank You for life. Thank You for Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Help us grow closer to You as we develop an attitude of gratitude. As our commitment deepens, let us live in Your peace, with Your joy filling our hearts. Let everything we do Honor and serve You. IJNIP. Amen