One-minute read.

Deliver me.
As a child, singing hymns seemed torturous to me. Listening to my mom’s off-key voice, Dad never sang; I always counted how many stanzas we had and if we had to sing them all. Relief flooded me when the bulletin said we didn’t have to sing the entire song. But as I’ve grown older and developed a closer relationship with the Lord, I love worshipping Him in song. Thankfully, the church we attend plays the music loud enough. I can’t hear my neighbor’s voice, nor do they mine, so I belt it out from the top of my lungs.
Understanding the depths of God’s love and the lengths He goes to connect with me gives me a grateful heart filled with joy. When I hear the guitar begin to strum and the drums beat, excitement grows in my heart. Closing my eyes, lifting my hands, and inviting God’s spirit to fill my soul, I sing aloud of the Lord’s righteousness.
God delivers us from our sins; nothing quite expresses a heart filled with worship like song. The entire book of Psalms represents hymns sung to God. Musical lyrics, sacred songs, and poems display the psalmist’s heart to the Lord. Next time you feel disconnected from God, put on some praise and worship and let the music deliver you like nothing else can.
Lord, thank You for giving us song to worship You. As we lift our voice to heaven, displaying our love for You, let the melody please Your ears and bless You. Invigorate us with Your Spirit as we raise our hands and worship You wholeheartedly. In all things, we praise You. IJNIP. Amen