One-minute read.

Remove completely.
When we confess our sins to the Lord, He removes them completely. God blots out our sins, removing them from the record book as if they never happened. Like cleaning a spill from the kitchen floor, no one would ever know it existed once washed. Our Savior took our sins upon Himself, removing them from us and purifying us. God can no longer see our discretions; they are gone forever once removed.
When I share some of my past mistakes with people, they can’t believe I did them. That’s because God has cleansed me, blotting out my iniquities. Sharing how the Lord has purified me gives hope to others that He will do the same for them. Miracles happen when we submit our lives to the Lord and let Him cleanse us. Transformation begins on the inside, and our actions show the changes.
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
Each day, we get a fresh start. Laying our sins at the foot of the cross, God forgives us. Seventy times seventy, the Lord’s mercy never ceases. Allow God to blot out your iniquities and give you new life in Him.
Lord, thank You for hiding Your face from our sins. Praise Jesus for doing what we couldn’t. Let us live joyfully in Your grace and mercy. Help our actions reflect the transformation we find in You. IJNIP. Amen