One-minute read.

Joy and gladness.
Broken bones symbolize sin. When we reach our breaking point and break, we become usable. To make bread, you must break the egg. The baker cannot use the gooey insides to form the dough until the egg cracks. If you put a whole egg into the mixture unbroken, it does nothing to help the process. But a broken egg becomes usable. And so do we.
When we admit our brokenness to the Lord and allow Him to transform us, we will rejoice with joy and gladness. Only in my brokenness do I become usable.
“We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Trust God. Admit your brokenness and experience His grace. If we don’t break, God can’t use us. As we become part of the Lord’s family, our brokenness becomes part of His recipe. The unfolding story of creation requires us to allow God to use us as He will. Only the Creator knows how the parts blend to draw people into His eternal kingdom. In our breaking, we become usable. The minute we confess our brokenness and turn to Him, God’s divine recipe comes to fruition.
Lord, thank You for using us in our brokenness. To break, we must trust. Strengthen our trust in You as we humble ourselves. Let us share our vulnerabilities with You and allow You to use us as You will. Help us fulfill our part of Your story as we give our hearts and minds to You. IJNIP. Amen