One-minute read.

Against the Lord.
David, the author of Psalm 51, knows who he sinned against, God. Instead of arguing against divine justice, the psalmist admits his guilt. Only when we confess our sins can we begin to heal from them. But introspection takes work. We must objectively examine ourselves and find faults no one likes to discover.
When I first started writing devotionals, I had a friend who would periodically send me notes about mistakes I made in my writing. At first, I felt offended. But then I realized I had to learn to take feedback to become a better writer. When people give me their opinion, I evaluate it, keeping the meat and removing the bones. Only then can I become a better writer.
To become more like Jesus, we must acknowledge the areas of our lives that need work. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and laziness all lead us down harmful paths. If we learn to identify these in our lives, we can confess them to the Lord and ask for His help overcoming them. When we sin, we do so against the Lord, hurting Him more than anyone else. God helps us defeat the sins that separate us from Him, cause us harm, and break our relationships. Then, we become more like Christ, shining His light to the world around us.
Lord, thank You for loving us despite our sins. Thank You for helping us overcome our human tendencies and become more like Jesus. Make us sensitive to the Holy Spirit, identifying the sin in our lives, confessing it to You, and finding victory over it. As each day passes, help us become more like Jesus, loving the world one person at a time. IJNIP. Amen