One-minute read.

Sinful heart.
Besides the Lord, no one knows our sins better than we do. From stealing penny candy at my uncle’s country store to forging my mom’s name on absence notes so I could skip school and lying to my professor in college to get him to let me retake a test, from birth to now, I know my transgressions. I only talk about some of them with God and my therapist. The Lord loves us despite our sinful ways. He loved us before we ever thought about loving Him.
“We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19
Jesus came to Earth as an act of love, knowing our past, present, and future sins. Because of Christ’s actions on the cross, we can confess our sins, confident the Lord will still love us. The Lord doesn’t expect perfection, but He does want honesty. Sharing our sins with God cleanses us and helps us overcome them. Admitting we have a problem leads us to solve it. We can’t solve what we don’t acknowledge.
Understanding that the Lord already knows my secrets helps me live an honest life. Truth always reveals itself; I’ve learned in five and ½ decades of living that honesty up front saves heartache in the end. No use trying to hide from God, He already knows. Accept your limitations, admit them to the Savior, and experience the Lord’s grace and mercy. Nothing will heal your heart faster than the Lord’s unconditional love.
Lord, thank You for loving us despite our sins. Help us live honest lives as we become comfortable identifying and acknowledging sin. Let the Holy Spirit nudge us from within our souls if we start down a forbidden path. Give us the strength to overcome our past discretions and live fully for You. IJNIP. Amen