One-minute read.

Divine forgiveness.
We can do nothing to earn God’s grace. The Lord gives us His mercy when we cast ourselves upon Him, asking for it. Defined as “courteous goodwill,” grace comes from God’s goodness. Of course, if we don’t acknowledge we need the Creator’s mercy, we can’t receive it. Some people struggle with admitting they have sin in their lives. Everyone has distorted thoughts, and if we believe them, they will take us away from God.
Distorted thinking blinds us from reality. To receive God’s grace, we must discover the lies we believe and replace them with truth. Anyone who says they don’t sin has distorted thinking. Only when they remove the lie can they admit their shortcomings and turn to the Lord for help. Accepting Christ into your heart helps illuminate the lies, replace them with God’s truth, and receive His mercy.
When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He freely gives us His mercy. God blots out our transgressions. Jesus shows us a different way to live, leaving our sins behind and discovering a new life. Let down the walls of your heart, confess your transgressions to the Lord, and let Him cleanse you. God has fresh mercies for us every morning. No matter what happened yesterday, today, we can try again, hopefully doing better than the day before.
Lord, thank You for freely giving us grace when we turn to You. Illuminate any distorted thoughts in our mind, replacing them with Your truth. Help us live fully in Christ as we pursue new life in Him. With each day that passes, let us become more like Jesus. Assist us in making better choices today than we did yesterday. Let our actions glorify and honor You. IJNIP. Amen